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Friday, October 25, 2013

taupe. suede. fringe.

i tried not to love these h & m suede boots. really hard. i even asked my fabulous friend coco christine to tell me that they were hideous. 

in her words:
i CAN tell you they're hideous if you want me to be a bad friend and lie to your face...but they're
taupe. suede. fringe. 
hook. line. sinker.
ps your boots would look hideous with a giant aztec sweater. i'm gagging already.
{words cannot describe how much i love that girl.}

so, oops. i bought them. i don't try to understand my crippling obsession with impractical costume accessories. i've just accepted it. 

at least i found a 25% off coupon! {code 0109}

in other events...lots of developments lately in the davidson household. i can't wait to share all the fun details with everyone! let's just say: when it rains, it POURS good news.
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