never been so happy to be gaining weight and outgrowing all my clothes.
i just had my 16 week checkup with the dr. i have gained 4.5 pounds and dr is very happy with that.
{hahaha more like 7 by my calculations, but thank you for the generous running start, doc}
they took 90 vials of blood for genetic testing and other stuff and we get the results on monday. by 90 i mean five, but they used two arms. if there are no increased markers for trisomies or cystic fibrosis, no further testing will be required until i have my anatomy scan at 20 weeks!
other fun things:
craving: nothing. fruit? is that a thing? i actually googled "pregnant, no appetite" very strange. don't get me wrong, i'm eating. but i eat because i start to feel off or it's time to...not because something sounds amazing. looking forward to that changing soon.
maternity clothes: i'm in the preggo pants and bras already. the bella band or rubber band things never worked for me because i have a booty and my pants won't stay up unzipped/unbuttoned. bummer. but the first time i caved and put on a pair of maternity leggings i swear i heard angels singing. i can still wear my longer normal shirts. so it's all good. also, black is my best friend.
anything making you queasy? my neighbors' cigarettes. sick. oh, and the smell of the refrigerator and pantry. i don't care how much i bleach and clean, it's the grossest smell in the world. thank the lord for my pumpkin spice plug in in the kitchen. i looove the smell of kitty paws and fall {nothing new there haha}.
miss anything? i miss happy hour tapas with my husband and drinking really good wine with friends and family. i feel like a horrible person for saying that. i also miss jack in general, but thankful for technology {facetime & gchat & airmiles!}, family, and friends to make these five long months go down a little easier. i know y'all are tired of hearing it, but med school requires sacrifice, and i've learned that sometimes i need to choose the lesser evil and be happy with it. so, i'd wayyyy rather have him gone now and have him back for the last few months of this pregnancy & beyond.
sleep: i lay awake forever from like 3-5am for no reason at all.
best moment of the week: hearing baby's heartbeat on the doppler at the dr's office...and visiting my hubby in miami on friday!
{hiking in sun valley idaho with my dad & diana}
{hiking in sun valley idaho with my dad & diana}
{i'm tryyyying to be good about working out. some days are easier than others.}
{my handsome, pre surgery in rhode island. now he's in miami. so proud of his hard work.}
{the 360* muffin top that made me cave and buy maternity pants. not cute.}
You are amazing. Do I need to say how much I love you? There aren't words. Xo. Mom