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Friday, September 19, 2014

boy or girl?

ok, so we are dyyyyyying to find out the gender of our baby. 
i would not be a good prairie woman, waiting this thing out until birth {among other reasons haha}.
it's been torturous to wait, but i have been having fun passing the time by looking at all the old wives tales to see where we stand!

mayan tale
add mom's age at conception to the year of conception. odd means boy and even is girl.
result: boy.

chinese gender chart
take baby's due date and mama's chinese lunar age and see where it falls on the chart.
result: girl.

mother's beauty
girls steal beauty. if you are breaking out all over + your skin & hair is dull and gross, it's a girl. 
boys make your skin glow, hair voluminous, and your skin is generally clear.
result: boy.

dream of baby's gender
dreaming about having a boy results in a girl, and vice versa. i've only had one dream about baby.
result: girl.

morning sickness
extreme nausea in early pregnancy points towards girl. smooth sailing means boy. i was in the middle {nauseous but never actually got sick}, but comparing my early pregnancy to others, i think i had it pretty darn easy.
result: boy.

colder feet than normal means boy. warmer means girl. my feet are always cold {nothing new!}
result: boy.

leg hair
if leg hair grows out of control, it's a boy.
result: girl.

dry hands
if hands are constantly dry, it's a boy.
result: boy.

if you experience an increase in headaches, it's a boy.
result: boy.

baby names
if you can only think of and agree on names for a certain gender, it is said that's the gender you'll have. girl names are impossible for us!
result: boy.

sweet & fruity cravings means girl. salty & sour cravings mean boy. sometimes i want fruit and sometimes i want spaghetti.
result: girl & boy.

baby's heart rate
if the baby's heart rate is 140+ it's a girl. less than 140bpm means boy. my baby's hr has been between 150 & 174 at my last few appointments.
result: girl.

carrying the bump
if your bump is higher and wider, it's a girl. a lower more basketball shaped bump means boy.
result: boy.

overall...70% boy  |  30% girl

of course, all these are just for fun and have a 50 | 50 chance of being right. 

what's your guess??

update: click here if you want to know!!!

 photo KateSiggy_zpsd3dc243a.png

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