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Thursday, January 10, 2013

Salad for Dessert.

I do not, shall not, and absolutely refuse to buy ready-made pre-packaged salad dressing...including but not limited to: Italian, ranch, thousand island, vinaigrettes of all shapes and sizes, and Caesar...however, I eat a non-naked, and quite beautifully dressed salad almost every day.

Maybe it's in my head, but I can't taste anything in my salad when I cover it in one of these processed chemical explosions, "flavored" with ingredients representative of the name. All I can taste is salty slop. No wonder people get tired of a salad like this...there is only one taste! I suppose I could buy organic/natural/blah blah blah dressing, but my other fun fact is that packaged dressing is SO MUCH more expensive than homemade! My homemade Caesar is actually one of my favorite recipes, but it must be made fresh for every batch. Even that only takes a few minutes, and a few pennies!

For example, last night I made a variation of poppy-seed dressing {sans poppy-seeds  because I didn't have any on hand}. I swear, with this dressing, I could eat 1,000,000 pounds of spinach, for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. And brunch, and linner, even dessert.  Yes, it has sugar in it, but a little goes a long way, so you shouldn't notice a blood sugar spike. I'd rather staple my life on a lil teeny tiny itsy bitsy bit of REAL cane sugar than that creepy soliduously congealed hydroglobulmicropolysaccarine stuff. Ugh, goosebumps.

Most Delicious Dressing Ever:
1/2 cup white cane sugar
1/3 cup white vinegar
1/2 small white onion
1 tablespoon yellow mustard
1 teaspoon sea salt
1 cup canola oil

Blend the first 5 ingredients in a blender. Then, keep the blender going and drizzle the canola oil in slowly {organic, if you have a pesticide-free preference}, and blend until thick. This is where you can quickly pulse in about 1.5 tablespoons of poppy-seeds if you so desire.

{Pour in 12oz mason jar and it will keep in the fridge for a looong time. Also, meet the only plant I have been able to keep alive that is not a cactus/succulent/palm tree! Yay!}

{A fully dressed spinach salad. Please disregard my awful apartment lighting.}

I'm pretty sure we made that batch for wildly less than the common "all natural" $5+ dressing that would be purchased at the store.

I'm serious, I wake up craving this on a spinach salad instead of French toast or pastries. I would rather have this for dessert than a bowl of ice cream {but not in lieu of chocolate, let's not get out of control here}. Maybe that's not normal, but I think it's crazy delish.

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