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Wednesday, May 8, 2013

some advice.

day e i g h t :

a piece of advice you have for others.
{photo by jack in long beach, washington...he went for a solo walk and came back with this.} 

i am pretty stubborn {aka: i always think i'm of my downfalls}
...growing up, i didn't like to take advice from anyone. 
ok, i still rarely take advice. 

i was the type of person that knew i was right...until i messed up and learned for myself. 
ok, i'm still that person.

so rather than give advice, here are some lessons i've learned the hard way:

1. don't plan your wedding in a month.

2. pick your career based on a passion you have, not money.

and...a piece of advice i actually listened to:

3. be honest, no matter how hard it is. 
this applies in business and relationships/life in general. 
my grampa roy let me in on this little secret when i was in college. 
{dad's kitchen: my fav place to be. that's grampa roy on the right. back: gramma ilene, dad & di}

whenever i'm unsure what to do in a situation, i think to myself...well, what do i have to lose if i just speak my mind? the answer 99.9% of the time is nothing. of course, that is in context of "what is best for me." warning: person might end up being super peeved with you. but at least they won't take up any more of your energy!

honesty has a lot to do with maintaining my marriage & my job. it's worked so far!

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1 comment:

  1. So true...honesty is the best policy. Especially when helping me figure out my wardrobe. :) THANKS FOR ALL YOUR HELP LAST NIGHT...XOXOXOX
